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Discovering Affordable Burial Insurance Options for Seniors Dealing with Hypertension

Jun 23, 2023 | Burial Insurance

Discovering Affordable Burial Insurance Options for Seniors Dealing with Hypertension

When it comes to life insurance, the application process often involves a medical examination and answering medical questions. Unfortunately, these requirements can be challenging for seniors with chronic conditions like heart conditions, cancer, and severe hypertension. Thankfully, there is an alternative solution available in the form of low-cost burial insurance.

Choosing burial insurance offers easier access to life coverage, catering to individuals with adverse health conditions. If you are a senior with hypertension and are interested in qualifying for low-cost burial insurance, it’s important to understand the following information.

Understanding the Causes of Hypertension

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, refers to a condition where blood pressure remains consistently elevated, even during periods of rest. The causes of hypertension can vary, and it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the current medical consensus.

Presently, experts believe that a diet high in salt, fat, and cholesterol plays a significant role in causing high blood pressure. Additionally, specific health conditions, such as certain kidney disorders or hormone imbalances, can contribute to hypertension. Conditions like diabetes and high cholesterol are also known to elevate blood pressure, particularly in individuals who are overweight.

An often overlooked factor is the influence of family history and genetics on high blood pressure. If your parents or other relatives have been diagnosed with hypertension, there is a higher likelihood that you may be prone to the condition. If you’ve noticed a pattern of hypertension among your family members, it would be wise to consult a healthcare professional and request an examination.

A simple blood pressure test can determine whether you are dealing with hypertension. Once you receive a diagnosis, you have the option to take steps towards managing and minimizing its symptoms.

Consideration of Medications for Seniors

If you happen to be taking any of the numerous medications available for high blood pressure, it’s important for your insurer to take note of this information. While it may not result in any negative consequences, it is necessary for them to document that you are someone who manages high blood pressure. In most cases, this should not affect the approval process, but it’s important for you to understand how insurance companies perceive your situation. By being aware, you can secure the best price for your insurance needs.

If you’re interested in knowing which high blood pressure medications might be considered by burial insurance carriers as indicators of hypertension, here are some to be aware of:

  • Diovan
  • Furosemide
  • Hydrochlorothiazide
  • Monoket
  • Lasix
  • Amyl Nitrate
  • Amlodipine
  • Atenolol
  • Carvedilol
  • Losartan
  • Metoprolol
  • Norvasc
  • Coreg
  • Lisinopril
  • Lopressor

Remember, even if your application states that you have hypertension, it does not disqualify you from receiving coverage. There are numerous insurance companies willing to provide you with high-quality burial insurance, regardless of a hypertension diagnosis.

Understanding Burial Insurance for Seniors

There are various insurance products available to the public, and one such product is burial insurance. It is similar to traditional life insurance, but typically offers lower death benefits compared to whole life and universal life insurance policies. The death benefit of burial insurance policies usually ranges from $5,000 to $25,000.

Upon the passing of the policyholder, beneficiaries receive the specified amount. They are free to use the funds for any purpose they deem necessary. Burial insurance serves as a means to ensure that your family has the financial resources to manage your burial expenses and potentially cover costs for a short period of time.

The Importance of Burial Insurance for Seniors with Hypertension

If you have hypertension, you may have concerns about the possibility of developing a fatal heart condition in the future. Dealing with this fear can be challenging, but have you considered how your family would replace your income if you were to pass away unexpectedly? Burial insurance provides individuals with hypertension, as well as everyone else, with a safety net that supports their loved ones in the event of an untimely death.

Funerals can be costly, and it’s crucial to ensure that appropriate ceremonies are conducted to honor your memory. If you currently lack sufficient savings, your family may struggle to cover the expenses associated with your funeral and burial. In some cases, families cannot even afford a coffin, leaving them with cremation as a more affordable alternative.

However, even cremations can be expensive, which is why it’s essential to plan ahead with burial insurance. By doing so, you can relieve your family from the burden of paying for your burial costs and ensure that you receive the funeral ceremony and burial or cremation that you rightfully deserve.

Burial Insurance for Seniors with Hypertension

Finding the right burial insurance can be a concern for seniors dealing with hypertension. However, rest assured that obtaining coverage is often easier than you might think, and having high blood pressure should not hinder your ability to qualify for a quality final expense life insurance plan.

Even if you are unable to control your symptoms, you can still qualify for burial insurance in most areas. In fact, the majority of final expense insurance providers offer policies with minor death benefits, regardless of your hypertension diagnosis. Additionally, depending on any other health conditions you may have, you may even be eligible for burial insurance at the lowest available cost.

If you are a senior interested in saving on burial insurance despite having hypertension, your best course of action is to work with an insurance company. An experienced insurance agent possesses the necessary knowledge to navigate the insurance marketplace and help you find a low-cost burial insurance plan that provides adequate benefits, offering you comfort and security.

How Final Expense Carriers Assess Hypertension

When it comes to final expense insurance applications, hypertension is rarely a prominent topic. If you do come across questions about hypertension or high blood pressure during the application process, they are usually limited in number.

Given that hypertension is often not even mentioned during the health interview section of the application, it is safe to conclude that most companies have no issues providing coverage to individuals with hypertension.

Even if you have stage 2 high blood pressure, which exceeds 180/110, there are still affordable final expense insurance options available to you. It is important to be honest if you are asked about high blood pressure and hypertension, and if one company unexpectedly denies you coverage, there are undoubtedly many others willing to cover you.

Securing the Best Burial Insurance with Hypertension

To find the best final expense insurance plan that suits your needs despite having high blood pressure, it is recommended to seek coverage with the assistance of an insurance agent. They can connect you with carriers like Royal Neighbors of America, who specialize in accepting individuals with various health conditions. These experts can help you compare plans and find the one that meets your requirements.

Remember, settling for just any burial insurance may not provide the peace of mind you deserve. The complex rules and hidden fees can tarnish your purchasing experience. It is advisable to consult with knowledgeable professionals to determine the most suitable final expense plan for you.

Cost Considerations for Burial Insurance with Hypertension

Compared to traditional and term-life insurance, burial insurance tends to be more expensive. The actual cost of a final expense insurance policy varies from person to person, as carriers typically factor in age, gender, and health status when determining coverage rates.

Generally, burial insurance for individuals with or without hypertension ranges from $30 to $100 per month. Fortunately, hypertension is unlikely to significantly impact the rates you receive.

Cost Disparity Between Burial Insurance for Men and Women

As mentioned earlier, burial insurance costs differ based on gender. Typically, males pay more for burial insurance than females. This trend is common across various insurance types, as women tend to have longer life expectancies on average in the U.S.

For instance, on average, a 45-year-old female pays $22 per month for coverage with a $10,000 death benefit and no waiting period. A male of the same age would pay $27, which is $5 more.

It is important to note that insurance carriers charge higher rates to male customers due to the inherent risk they assume when insuring male beneficiaries.

As a reference, a 75-year-old female would need to pay around $71 per month for an average burial insurance plan with a $10,000 benefit. A male of the same age would pay approximately $90.

Discovering an Affordable Burial Insurance Plan

Now is the time to find the burial insurance plan you have been searching for. With the knowledge that hypertension won’t hinder your ability to obtain coverage, why not begin your search for a plan today? Contact us to start comparing the burial insurance plans available in your area.

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